In the bustling corridors of Attacq, the vibrancy of a shared conviction was palpable at our recent staff Wellness Day, which is so much more than just a once off event. It’s an ongoing wellness journey. The aim of the day is to reinforce the importance of wellness and is testament to our commitment to nurturing a holistic approach to employee well-being. Zanele Sereme, Attacq’s Senior Human Capital Consultant, shares insights into how the day unfolded, as well as its profoundly positive impact on the staff.
“We do not wait for one big day to remind our staff that wellness is essential,” she explains. This year’s Wellness Day served as a cornerstone, anchoring the continuous efforts Attacq invests in our people through various wellness webinars and programmes. The aim is to drive engagement in healthy habits, merging the well-being of employees with a positive workplace environment.
The day is designed with every aspect of wellness in mind, from the emotional and relational dimensions of wellness, with expert talks on mental health, to hands-on physical activities such as Zumba classes and innovative smoothie-making bike stations. The financial wellness sessions offers personal coaching on fiscal health – a crucial wellness element which is often overlooked.
Region-wide participation ensures inclusivity, with employees joining via Microsoft Teams from various locations. Aerial yoga, trampoline exercise, health checks and drumming are some of the regional highlight activities, ensuring every member of the Attacq family experiences the same level of engagement and care.
A fundamental part of our Wellness Journey is our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offering called Headspace, which provides invaluable medical, psychological and legal support to our employees. This offering also, includes a study assistance programme for parents to help with homework from Grade 1 to Grade 12. This unique program is another example of how Attacq transcends the traditional scope of wellness, addressing the nuanced needs of our diverse workforce.
Feedback from the staff has been overwhelmingly positive, noting the detailed planning and the fun-filled yet informative nature of the day. It is not just about creating a day off work but about crafting a memorable, learning-filled experience that underscore Attacq’s overarching message of hope and care. This Wellness Day is another step in Attacq’s continuous path in providing a healthy working environment by empowering and valuing their staff.